Conservation and Sustainable
Guidebook for Policy and Legislative Development on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Freshwater Resources

The centrality of water in our lives—social, economic, political and spiritual—cannot be overestimated. Nearly every decision we make is directly linked to the use and availability of water. Water quality reveals everything, right or wrong, that we do. Its abundance is an indicator of social development. Its lack is an indicator of poverty. The new UNEP water policy and strategy—which has taken the organization away from sectoral approaches—recognizes this need. At its core lie three components: assessment, management and co-ordination of actions. All three components stress the cross-sectoral nature of water issues. UNEP has long been involved in the field of fresh and marine water and has developed a number of programmes and instruments, including legal, over the years.

Over the last quarter-century, we have become increasingly aware that the resources on which we rely are not boundless. The world’s dependence on fossil fuels has focused the minds of many on the finite nature of our resource base. However, something much greater than the energy crisis faces us: the depletion and pollution of the planet’s limited supply of fresh water. Its depletion in quantity and quality has profound social, economic and ecological effects. Water is a particularly vital resource. Without water, ecosystems are destroyed. Economic activities halt. People die.

Addressing water problems requires an inter-sectoral approach that recognizes the interlinkages—for example, between land and water, agriculture and water, technology and water, health and water—that affect water management. No single mechanism or approach will be enough. Policy packages using a mutually reinforcing mix of institutional and policy reform, and legal, economic and management instruments will be needed.

One of the goals of the new UNEP water policy and strategy is to identify and promote the tools that will address the critical water issues facing humanity.

The water problems confronting us at the start of the 21st century can be solved. But we must have the will to deal with long-term environmental problems. We must be willing to invest in our future. This publication, designed to facilitate the work of policy makers and legal drafters in regard to conservation and sustainable use of freshwater resources is timely in view of the goals set in the Millennium Declaration and the targets embodied in the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

Klaus Toepfer
Executive Director – UNEP

*Guidebook - Download


Source: United Nations
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